Deck of Many Things: Time Traveller's Edition – Time Travel Mart
All proceeds help fund the free programs at 826LA

Deck of Many Things: Time Traveller's Edition


Once upon a time, an extraordinary community of humans, halflings, and dragonborn came together to raise funds and fun for 826LA. Under the leadership of Critical Role—a group of voice actors whose path to multi-platform fame took the unlikely form of playing D&D for an audience—these fans declared their belief that every young person should have the opportunity to make up a weird name and cast a magic spell. Not only did Critical Role’s support launch an ongoing D&D storytelling workshop at 826LA, but Critters (as they are known) came out of the woods to support us by volunteering, interning, designing products like the one in your hands, and even delivering cake to our staff. It’s only natural that we would want to say thank you.

Critters, for the many, many things you’ve done, please enjoy this Deck of Many Things. And here’s to many more!
*Limited Edition

The Deck comes sealed in velvet-y pouch!