Time Scouts

Prepared for Whenever
Founded in the Fourth Quadrillion 826,628 ST, Time Scouts is a multiverse-spanning organization dedicated to the growth of its members through the travel of space and time. It seeks to document the past, cultivate the present, and build a better future through the empowerment of Scouts young and old.
This task might appear easy for an organization with infinite time traveling technology at its fingertips — but an infinitely expanding multiverse has infinitely expanding problems. Thankfully, through dedicated and unique Time Scouts like you, we have infinitely expanding solutions.
Yes, it’s fun to be a Time Scout! To climb the Alps on elephants with your best friends. To follow in the footsteps of Mother Teresa or get a little surreal with Salvador Dali. But with infinite temporal wanderings, comes no small amount of responsibility.
Time Scouts are PREPARED FOR WHENEVER, not just by what they carry on their back, but what they carry in their mind.