XL Writer Emergency Pack – Time Travel Mart
All proceeds help fund the free programs at 826LA

XL Writer Emergency Pack


Writer Emergency Pack XL takes everything John August and his team learned over the past eight years to make the deck of their dreams.

The new XL deck contains 52 illustrated cards — double the original — each featuring different ideas for getting unstuck.

The cards are now 30% larger. Backers loved the original Writer Emergency Pack, but wished information wasn’t split between two cards. With the new larger size, everything fits on a single card.

Writer Emergency Pack XL contains:

  • 52 illustrated cards with detailed suggestions and specific tips to try
  • Instructions for individual and class use, plus a bonus story game (”Cards Against Normality”)
The Cards
  • Writer Emergency Pack contains 52 illustrated cards, each featuring a different idea for getting unstuck.

  • Each illustrated card contains an idea, a detailed description and on the back you’ll find tips to try.