Swartzchild Filter Slinky – Time Travel Mart
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Swartzchild Filter Slinky


The Bort Brothers' Swartzchild Filter optimizes the space-time flowing through your Mallet Twist-Engine. Featuring the Bort Brothers' award-winning universal quantum gate.

*For maximum efficiency, change your Bort Brothers Swartzchild Filter every 3 years or 30,000 years, whichever comes first. 

Notice: this product contains resublimated Azimuth Thiotimoline.

For over 800 years, Borth Brothers has been a leader in the aftermarket time machine industry. What started as a simple shope offering handmade chronometers and flux detailing has grown into the biggest time machine parts suppliers of all time.

Imported to the present by Mac Barnett & Jon Korn.